Description : This is a set of codes to compute the entanglement of formation between two qudits that are specified by a density matrix (rho). For more details, see Ryu, Cai and Caro, "Quantum Entanglement of Formation between Qudits", Phys. Rev. A, 77, 052312 (2008). ================================================= This package include following source files cgr7.c util.h util.c optdecomp.c testlapack.c makefile - - - - - - cgr7.c optimizes decomposition by minimizing entanglement using the hybrid steepest descent - conjugate gradient algorithm (most efficient) optdecomp.c optimizes decomposition by minimizing entanglement using the steepest descent algorithm (not very efficient) util.h & util.c includes supporting functions for matrix operations. testlapack.c some test program, please ignore - - - - - - 1. How to Compile make all This will create executable files "cgr7" and "optdecomp". 2. How to Run the command line format for running cgr7 is the following ./cgr7 [seed=0] [tol=1e-15] [tol1=1e-15] [N0=5] [N=8] [na=2] [Ndm=128] all command line values are optional and have default values (for an explanation of the meaning of the input parameters, see cgr7.c function: main()) for example, you can run a test case as ./cgr7 0 1e-10 1e-10 4 8 2 3 (This takes about 90 seconds to finish on a Linux machine.) In this case, seed=0, meaning that random number generator will be randomized by time. tol=1e-10 and tol1=1e-10. This run will generate Ndm=3 random density matrices each with dimension NxN, with N=8 (default). (N = na*nb) For each density matrix, the code will find N0=4 local minima. The lowest minimum among these local minima will be saved in file "E_R_t_stat.dat", in the format of E R t where E is entanglement, R is participation ratio, and t is negativity. In this test case, you should see 3 (new) lines in your dat file.