Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
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Manual 09 for MD++
Computing Ideal Strength

Keonwook Kang and Wei Cai

Dec 8 , 2007

Ideal strength is the theoretical limit up to which a defect-free material can sustain external load before it breaks. We define ideal strength as the maximum derivative of the excess energy (per area) that comes from rigid translation of part of material.<ref>There is different definition of ideal strength. Roudy and Cohen calculated it from the excess energy of uniform deformation of material.(D. Roudy and M. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 64 212103 (2001))</ref> In this manual, it is explained how the ideal strengths of diamond cubic structure of Si are calculated with MD++ codes. This task was part of work covered in our paper<ref>Keonwook Kang and Wei Cai, Philosophical Magazine, 87 2169–2189 (2007)</ref>.


Ideal Tensile Strength

Let’s assume that we want to calculate the ideal tensile strength \sigma_{[110]}^{\mathrm{th}} along the [1 1 0] direction of Si. First, a simulation cell is created with the three periodicity vectors \mathbf{c}_1 =
N_x [1 1 0], \mathbf{c}_2 = N_y[\bar{1} 1 0] and \mathbf{c}_3 = N_z[0 0 1], each of which is aligned along x, y and z direction, respectively. Make sure that the cell is subjected to periodic boundary condition (PBC) in all three directions. Next, the potential energy change is recorded as the function of the opening distance d when the (1 1 0) surface opens rigidly (See Fig. 1(a).) or

γ = γ(d).

where γ is the excess energy to create two free surfaces. In order to rigidly separate a bulk crystal, we could collectively translate half of atoms but instead we used a simple trick. When we redefine the periodicity vector \mathbf{c}_1 as

\mathbf{c}_1 = \left( 1 + \frac{d}{L_x^0}\right) \mathbf{c}_1^0 .

while fixing the coordinates of all the atoms, it gives the same effect of separating the bulk crystal into two by d. We change the box length L_x \equiv a|\mathbf{c}_1| by redefining the periodicity vector \mathbf{c}_1 from its initial definition \mathbf{c}^0_1 with certain ratio and it will create a gap of width d in x direction between the periodic image (2) and the crystal (1) in the primary cell as shown in Fig. 1(a).

In MD++ Codes, there is a command changeH_keepR which changes one of periodicity vectors with atoms fixed. The input to this command has three numbers.

input = [ i j frac ] changeH_keepR

The first number is the index of the periodicity vector that you want to change. For example, if i=1, \mathbf{c}_1 vector will be changed. (2 for \mathbf{c}_2 and 3 for \mathbf{c}_3) The second number is the index of direction. If j=1, the fraction frac of the vector \mathbf{c}_1 is added to itself and \mathbf{c}_1 can be longer or shorter depending on the sign of frac. If j=2, the vector \mathbf{c}_1 will be tilted by the fraction frac of \mathbf{c}_2 vector.

Do not forget to refresh the neighbor list whenever you change \mathbf{H}\equiv [\mathbf{c}_1\, \mathbf{c}_2\, \mathbf{c}_3] while atoms’ positions are fixed. MD++ automatically refreshes the neighbor list based on the change of the atoms’ positions. If atoms are fixed, the list will not be updated even if there could be a virtual displacement of atoms by changing \mathbf{H}. In the script (given at the end of this manual), you will see the command clearR0, right after changeH_keepR, which enforces the neighbor list to be refreshed. There are more MD++ commands to be explained: saveH stores the current 3×3 matrix H to H0 and restoreH restores H from H0. RHtoS converts the real coordinate \mathbf{r}_i of an atom i to the scaled coordinate \mathbf{s}_i by \mathbf{s}_i = \mathbf{H}^{-1} \mathbf{r}_i.

If we plot γ vs. d, the curve looks like Fig. 2(a). As d increases, the energy also increases up to a plateau s, where γs is the (unrelaxed) surface energy of (1 1 0) plane of Si. Once the opening distance becomes longer than certain cutoff distance, the interaction between two parts no longer plays a role and the energy becomes constant and irrelative to d. You may be aware that the slope of the γ(d) curve has the unit of stress. We define the maximum value of the slope as the ideal tensile strength along the separation direction, e.g. [1 1 0]. The SW potential model gives \sigma_{[110]}^{\mathrm{th}} =41.7 (GPa) for Si.

Ideal Shear Strength

 B = \frac{1}{3}(C_{11} + 2C_{12})
 C_{12} = \frac{1}{2}(3B - C_{11}) = 82.2 (GPa)

Ideal Shear Strength in Non-tilting Cell

 [T] = \begin{pmatrix} 1/\sqrt{2} & -1/\sqrt{2} & 0 \\ 
                         1/\sqrt{2} &  1/\sqrt{2} & 0 \\ 
                         0 & 0 & 1  \end{pmatrix}

In particular,

 \begin{align} C_{1111} &= T_{m1} T_{n1} T_{s1} T_{t1} C_{mnst} \\
                               &= \sum_{i=1}^3 T_{i1} T_{i1} T_{i1} T_{i1} C_{11} \\
                               & + 2(T_{11}T_{11}T_{21}T_{21} + T_{11}T_{11}T_{31}T_{31} + T_{21}T_{21}T_{31}T_{31})C_{12} \\
                               & + 4(T_{21}T_{31}T_{21}T_{31} + T_{11}T_{31}T_{11}T_{31} + T_{11}T_{21}T_{11}T_{21})C_{44}.


MD++ Script

# -*-shell-script-*-
source "scripts/Examples/Tcl/startup.tcl"
# Definition of procedures
proc initmd { } {
MD++ setnolog
MD++ setoverwrite
MD++ dirname = runs/si_idealstr
MD++ NIC = 200 NNM = 200
proc openwindow { } { MD++ {
# Plot Configuration
atomradius = 0.67 bondradius = 0.3 bondlength = 0
atomcolor = orange bondcolor = red backgroundcolor = gray70
win_width = 300 win_height = 300
plotfreq = 10 rotateangles = [ 0 0 0 1.25 ]
plot_atom_info = 1 # reduced coordinates of atoms
#plot_atom_info = 2 # real coordinates of atoms
#plot_atom_info = 3 # energy of atoms
openwin alloccolors rotate saverot eval plot
} }
# Main program starts here
if { $argc == 0 } {
set status 0
} elseif { $argc > 0 } {
set status [lindex $argv 0]
puts "status = $status"
if { $status == 0 } {
# calculate surface opening energy on (1 1 0).
MD++ {
element0 = Si latticeconst = 5.43095
crystalstructure = diamond-cubic
latticesize = [ 1 1 0 5
-1 1 0 5
0 0 1 7 ]
makecrystal }
MD++ saveH eval
set Lx0 [MD++_Get H_11]
set Ly0 [MD++_Get H_22]
set Lz0 [MD++_Get H_33]
set EPOT0 [MD++_Get EPOT]
set Area [expr $Ly0 * $Lz0]
set fileID [open "Esurf.dat" w]
for {set i -10} {$i <= 100} {incr i} {
set strain [expr $i/1000.0]
MD++ restoreH RHtoS
MD++ input = \[ 1 1 $strain \] changeH_keepR
MD++ clearR0 # enfore refresh neighborlist
MD++ eval
set Lx [MD++_Get H_11]
set dist [expr $Lx - $Lx0]
set EPOT [MD++_Get EPOT]
# Esurf2 : excessive energy per area to create 2 free surfaces.
set Esurf2 [expr ($EPOT - $EPOT0)/$Area]
puts $fileID "[format %18.14e $dist]\t \
[format %18.14e $Esurf2]"
close $fileID
MD++ quit
} elseif { $status == 1 } {
# calculate generalized stacking fault energy on (1 1 1) along [1 0 -1]
# surface normal direction 1/x 2/y 3/z
set surfacenormal 2
set lattconst 5.43095
set c1 "1 0 -1"; set c2 "1 1 1"; set c3 "1 -2 1"
set Nx 5; set Ny 4; set Nz 3
set gridx " 0.000 0.005 0.500"
set gridy "-0.050 0.010 0.150"
set gridz " 0.000 0.050 0.000"
# write the matlab script
set fileID [open "parameter.m" w]
puts $fileID "normaldir = $surfacenormal"
puts $fileID "latticeconst = $lattconst"
puts $fileID "latticesize = \[ $c1 $Nx "
puts $fileID " $c2 $Ny "
puts $fileID " $c3 $Nz \]"
puts $fileID "dxyz = \[ $gridx "
puts $fileID " $gridy "
puts $fileID " $gridz \]"
close $fileID
MD++ {
element0 = Si
crystalstructure = diamond-cubic
MD++ latticeconst = $lattconst
MD++ latticesize = \[$c1 $Nx $c2 $Ny $c3 $Nz\]
MD++ makecrystal
# To make shuffle set of (111) plane exposed
MD++ { input = [0 0.05 0 ] pbcshiftatom }
MD++ input = \[ $surfacenormal $gridx $gridy $gridz \]
MD++ calmisfit
MD++ quit
} elseif { $status == 2 } {
# calculate generalized stacking fault energy on (1 1 1) along [1 0 -1]
# surface normal direction 1/x 2/y 3/z
set surfacenormal 2
set lattconst 5.431
set c1 "1 0 -1"; set c2 "1 1 1"; set c3 "1 -2 1"
set Nx 5; set Ny 6; set Nz 3
set gridx " 0.000 0.005 0.500"
set gridy "-0.050 0.010 0.150"
set gridz " 0.000 0.050 0.000"
set xmin -1.00; set xmax 1.00
set ymin 0.01; set ymax 1.00
set zmin -1.00; set zmax 1.00
# write the matlab script
set fileID [open "parameter.m" w]
puts $fileID "normaldir = $surfacenormal"
puts $fileID "latticeconst = $lattconst"
puts $fileID "latticesize = \[ $c1 $Nx "
puts $fileID " $c2 $Ny "
puts $fileID " $c3 $Nz \]"
puts $fileID "dxyz = \[ $gridx "
puts $fileID " $gridy "
puts $fileID " $gridz \]"
close $fileID
MD++ {
element0 = Si
crystalstructure = diamond-cubic
MD++ latticeconst = $lattconst
MD++ latticesize = \[$c1 $Nx $c2 $Ny $c3 $Nz\]
MD++ makecrystal
MD++ input = \[1 -1 1 0.4 1 -1 1 \] fixatoms_by_position removefixedatoms
MD++ input = \[1 -1 1 -1 -0.42 -1 1 \] fixatoms_by_position removefixedatoms
MD++ input = \[ $surfacenormal $gridx $gridy $gridz $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax $zmin $zmax \]
MD++ calmisfit2
MD++ sleep quit
MD++ quit
} else {
puts "unknown status = $status"
MD++ quit

Matlab Script

%#! /usr/local/bin/octave -qf
% Matlab script, cal_idealstr.m
% to calculate ideal tensile strength "sigma" and shear strength "tau"
% calculate ideal tensile strength along [110] direction
data = load(’Esurf.dat’);
d = data(:,1); % openning distance in A
gamma = data(:,2); % excessive energy per area creating 2 free surfaces (eV/A^2)
sigma = max(gamma(2:end)-gamma(1:end-1))/(d(2) - d(1)) * 160.2;
disp(sprintf(’Ideal tensile stregnth = %e(GPa)’,sigma));
plot(d, gamma, ’.-’), grid
xlabel(’Opening Distance \it d \rm(Angstrom)’,’fontsize’,16),
ylabel(’\gamma (eV/Angstrom^2)’,’fontsize’,16)
line([-1 1.1],[gamma(end) gamma(end)],’linewidth’,2,’color’,’k’)
text(-1.3, gamma(end),’2\gamma_s’,’fontsize’,16)
% calculate ideal shear strength on (111) along [110] direction
if (~exist(’parameter.m’,’file’))
error(’No parameter.m found’)
dx = dxyz(1,2); dy = dxyz(2,2); dz = dxyz(3,2);
vx = latticesize(1,1:3); Lx = latticeconst*norm(vx);
vy = latticesize(2,1:3); Ly = latticeconst*norm(vy);
vz = latticesize(3,1:3); Lz = latticeconst*norm(vz);
data = load(’Emisfit.out’);
% convert data to relaxed energy
MM=-sort(-[Mx+1,My+1,Mz+1]); % Then MM(1) > MM(2) > MM(3)
E = reshape(data(:,4),MM(1),MM(2));
Erlx = zeros(MM(1),1);
Zrlx = zeros(MM(1),1);
normalgrid = dxyz(normaldir,1):dxyz(normaldir,2):dxyz(normaldir,3);
normalfinegrid = dxyz(normaldir,1):dxyz(normaldir,2)/1000:dxyz(normaldir,3);
for i = 1:MM(1),
a = E(i,:);
a_interp = interp1(normalgrid,a,normalfinegrid,’spline’);
[Erlx(i), ind] = min(a_interp);
Zrlx(i) = normalfinegrid(ind);
% retrieve unrelaxed energy
% calculate ideal shear strength
tau = max(Erlx(2:end)-Erlx(1:end-1))/(dx*Lx) * 160.2;
disp(sprintf(’Ideal shear stregnth = %e(GPa)’,tau));
figure(2); set(gca,’fontsize’,14)
plot([0:Mx]/Mx, Erlx-Erlx(1), ’b.-’,...
[0:Mx]/Mx, Eunrlx-Eunrlx(1),’r-’);
xlabel(’Sheared Distance, d/|b| where b = [1 0 1]/2’,’fontsize’,16)
ylabel(’\Gamma (eV/Angstrom^2)’,’fontsize’,16)
figure(3); set(gca,’fontsize’,14)
plot([0:Mx]/Mx,Zrlx, ’r.-’, ...
[0 1],[1 1]*dxyz(normaldir,1),’b-’,...
[0 1],[1 1]*dxyz(normaldir,3),’b-’);
xlabel(’Sheared Distance, d/|b| where b = [1 0 1]/2’,’fontsize’,16)
ylabel({’Lowest energy height,’; ’\delta/|c_2| where c_2 = [1 1 1]’},’fontsize’,16)

