Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
Revision as of 16:06, 19 December 2007 by Caiwei (Talk)

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If you download the standard distribution of ParaDiS pub-dd3d.v2.0.tar.gz, you will not be able to compile and run it in SERIAL mode. The fix to this problem is described below.

You need to download these three files:




This will allow you to use SYS = i386 or SYS = cygwin and MODE = SERIAL in makefile.setup.

The SYS = i386 option requires intel compiler icc. If you do not have this compiler, you can modify the makefile.sys file to use a different compiler.

We are working to enable the SYS = mac option. Please come back soon.

If your computer does not allow opening of X-window, then you need to set enable_window = 0 in your win.script file. This is also necessary if you submit your job to a queue in a cluster, because you won't be able to open an interactive window there.