Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
Revision as of 18:14, 7 January 2011 by Jieyin (Talk | contribs)

Under construction by Jie Yin

Here is a practical guide to ParaDiS corresponding to the latest version. It is especially useful for beginners with latest command templates and programming tips. This guide includes following how-tos:


How to obtain the latest ParaDiS codes

It is highly recommended to create directory Codes under your home directory. Currently ParaDiS codes are maintained through Subversion. For current group members or collaborators, you can obtain the latest version of ParaDiS by typing the following,

 cd ~/Codes
 svn co https://micro.stanford.edu/svn/ParaDiS [./dirname]

Directory ~/Codes/ParaDiS (or ~/Codes/dirname) will be created with latest checked out revision. It is your svn local repository. You can update your local ParaDiS codes by simply typing

 cd ~/Codes/ParaDiS
 svn update

If you create a new file called newfile.c, you can add it to your local repository ~/Codes/ParaDiS

$ svn add newfile.c

or commit the change to ParaDiS codes after some modifications

$ svn commit newfile.c

How to compile ParaDiS

When you are under directory ~/Codes/ParaDiS, simply type in

$ make

If you want to compile faster on a multiple processor machine, you can use command

$ make -j8

where 8 means the number of processors used for compilation.

If you have re-compile, you need to first type in

$ make clean

How to run a test case

How to set up data-file

How to set up ctrl-file

How to create input files with Matlab

How to record properties

How to visualize the results