Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
Revision as of 12:49, 10 January 2008 by Caiwei (Talk)

Welcome to the Micro and Nano Mechanics Group at Stanford


Group Meetings

This quarter (Win 2008) we have our weekly group meeting on every Thursday 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in Durand 247. Here is the Group Presentation Schedule.

Group Members

Principal Investigator

Wei Cai

Research Associate

Sylvie Aubry

Graduate Students

Billy Cash

William Fong

Keonwook Kang

Haneesh Kesari

Eunseok Lee

Seokwoo Lee

Seunghwa Ryu

Yongxing Shen

Chris Weinberger

Jie Yin

Research Projects

Nanowire Mechanics

Dislocation Core



Atomistic Calculations

Unix Basics

Computer Setup

MD++ Manuals

DDLab Manuals

ParaDiS Manuals

ParaDiS Workshop Notes


Local Restaurants

Local Museums