Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
Revision as of 11:47, 28 May 2012 by Wcash (Talk | contribs)

Modeling on the cover of Sound & Vibration. I'm kind of a big deal. ;-)

William Cash

Billy is a Ph.D. candidate in mechanical engineering studying dislocations.

For up to date information, check 1.38e-23.com


  • 06/2009 - present: Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering. Stanford University
  • 09/2007 - 06/2009: M.S. Mechanical Engineering. Stanford University
  • 09/2003 - 06/2007: B.S. Mechanical Engineering Summa Cum Laude. The Ohio State University

Contact Information

Office: Durand 204

Address: William Cash
Mechanics and Computation Group
Durand Bldg. Rm. 204
496 Lomita Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

Email: \mathrm{wcash\;at\;stanford\;dot\;edu}