Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
Revision as of 12:24, 18 July 2008 by Agarcia (Talk)

This table contains information about the potentials use in MD++.

Name of Potential ->     Symbol   ->     Types of Materials Used For

Molecular Dynamics -> md_gpp -> Any Material (not a potential), visualization tool

Finnis-SinClair -> FS_gpp -> Metals (FCC and BCC)Mo

Embedded Atom Method -> EAM_gpp -> Metals (FCC) Cu, Au

Lennard-Jones -> LJ_gpp -> Inert Gases Ar

Stillinger-Webber -> SW_gpp -> Si, Ge, C

Aluminum Glue -> AlGlue_gpp -> Al

Tersoff -> Tersoff_gpp -> Si, C, Ge

Brenner -> Brenner_gpp -> C, hydrocarbons