Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
Revision as of 18:48, 29 July 2008 by Agarcia (Talk)

Making a simulation using a MD++ script

To make your simulation movie, you need to follow these three major steps:

1. Make cfg files using the scipt file. To do so,

add this command to your script file before your iterations. This command will create the cfg files.

savecfg = 1 savecfgfreq = 50 intercfgfile = inter.cfg 

Next, run the script file.

Example:  ...MD++$ bin/tersoff_gpp scripts/myscripts/buckyball.script
Example:  ...MD++$ls runs/buckyball/  (Check that the cfg files were created.)
Example:  ...MD++$ rm runs/buckyball/inter00* (to remove your cfg files type this command)

2. Select make the necessary changes to your initial frame and they run the simulation.

Example:  ...MD++$ Tools/AtomEye/A.i686 runs/buckyball/inter0001.cfg &

Now, presse the key "y" to start creating the jpg files.

3. Get this compression file and place it in the MD++ directory: [vidcompress]

Example:  ...MD++$ chmod 755 vidcompress

Run the vidcompress execution file.

Example:  ...MD++$ ./vidcompress

Lastly, run the movie.

Example:  ...MD++$ mplayer Nameofanimation.mpg


1. [MD++| http://micro.stanford.edu/~caiwei/Forum/2004-12-12-MD++/]
2. [Atom Eye| http://mt.seas.upenn.edu/Archive/Graphics/A/#making_movie]