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Latest revision as of 21:57, 18 May 2011
Manual 10 for MD++
Visualize Disregistry Vector
Keonwook Kang and Wei Cai
If you use ddrij to visualize or analyze disregistry vectors in your simulation results, please cite the following paper:
Keonwook Kang and Wei Cai, Int. J. of Plasticity 26 (2010) 1387
[edit] Compile execution file
$ make ddrij build=R SYS=gpp
[edit] Run example file
Identify bonds
$ bin/ddrij_cpp ./scripts/Examples/example09-disreg.tcl 0
Read/plot bonds
$ bin/ddrij_cpp ./scripts/Examples/example09-disreg.tcl 1
Read bonds and calculate the disregistry vector
$ bin/ddrij_cpp ./scripts/Examples/example09-disreg.tcl 2
Plot disregistry vectors
$ bin/ddrij_cpp ./scripts/Examples/example09-disreg.tcl 3
# -*-shell-script-*- source "scripts/Examples/Tcl/startup.tcl" #******************************************* # Definition of procedures #******************************************* proc initmd { n } { MD++ setoverwrite MD++ dirname = "runs/test-disreg" MD++ NIC = 200 NNM = 400 } proc DotProd {a b} { # Calculate dot product of a and b if {[llength $a] < 3 || [llength $b] < 3} { return -code error "Vectors must have 3 components!" } scan $a "%f %f %f" ax ay az scan $b "%f %f %f" bx by bz return [format %22.16e [expr $ax*$bx + $ay*$by + $az*$bz]] } proc VectorNorm { a } { # Calculate |a|. if { [llength $a] < 3 } { return -code error "Vectors must have 3 components!" } #scan $a "%f %f %f" ax ay az set ax [lindex $a 0]; set ay [lindex $a 1]; set az [lindex $a 2]; set d [format %22.16e [expr sqrt($ax*$ax + $ay*$ay + $az*$az)]] return $d } proc normalize {v} { if {[llength $v] < 3 } { return -code error "Vectors must have 3 components!" } set vx [lindex $v 0]; set vy [lindex $v 1]; set vz [lindex $v 2] #set v2 [format %22.16e [expr $vx*$vx + $vy*$vy + $vz*$vz]] #set v_mag [format %22.16e [expr sqrt($v2)]] set v_mag [VectorNorm $v] set ex [format %22.16e [expr $vx/$v_mag]] set ey [format %22.16e [expr $vy/$v_mag]] set ez [format %22.16e [expr $vz/$v_mag]] return [list $ex $ey $ez] } proc fix_atoms_on_tilted_plane { sx0 sy0 sz0 d } { #------------------------------------------------------------ #Select atoms to fix for dislocation nucleation # set C1 {0 0 1}; set C2 {1 -1 0}; set C3 {1 1 0} #set n { 1 1 -1}; set n { 0.85 0.85 -1}; set e1 [normalize $C1]; set e2 [normalize $C2]; set e3 [normalize $C3] set nx [DotProd $n $e1]; set ny [DotProd $n $e2]; set nz [DotProd $n $e3] set n [list $nx $ny $nz]; puts "n = ([format %10.6e $nx], [format %10.6e $ny], [format %10.6e $nz])\ in unit of a in lab coordinate." set NP [MD++_Get NP] set Lx [MD++_Get H_11]; set Ly [MD++_Get H_22]; set Lz [MD++_Get H_33] set x0 [expr $sx0*$Lx]; set y0 [expr $sy0*$Ly]; set z0 [expr $sz0*$Lz]; set N_fixed 0 for { set i 0 } { $i < $NP } { incr i 1 } { set sx [MD++_Get SR( [expr $i*3 ] ) ] set sy [MD++_Get SR( [expr $i*3+1] ) ] set sz [MD++_Get SR( [expr $i*3+2] ) ] set x [expr $Lx*$sx ] set y [expr $Ly*$sy ] set z [expr $Lz*$sz ] #puts "atom ($i) ($x $y $z)" set ndotx [expr ($x-$x0)*$nx + ($y-$y0)*$ny + ($z-$z0)*$nz] if { [expr abs($ndotx)] <= $d } { MD++ fixed($i) = 1 set N_fixed [expr $N_fixed + 1] } } puts "Number of fixed atoms : $N_fixed" } proc setup_window { } { MD++ { # Plot Configuration atomradius = [0.3 0.4] bondradius = 0.3 atomcolor0 = SandyBrown atomcolor1 = LightGrey bondcolor = red backgroundcolor = white #gray70 fixatomcolor = yellow color00 = "orange" color01 = "purple" color02 = "green" color03 = "magenta" color04 = "cyan" color05 = "purple" color06 = "gray80" color07 = "white" plot_map_pbc = 1 plot_color_axis = 0 win_width = 1200 win_height = 1000 plotfreq = 10 rotateangles = [ 30 -10 0 1.25 ] } } proc openwindow { } { setup_window MD++ openwin alloccolors rotate saverot eval plot #MD++ calcentralsymmetry input = \[ 0 20 100 \] GnuPlotHistogram } #******************************************* # Main program starts here #******************************************* if { $argc == 0 } { set status 0 } elseif { $argc > 0 } { set status [lindex $argv 0] } puts "status = $status" if { $argc >= 0 && $argc <= 1 } { set n 0; set m 0 } elseif { $argc > 1 && $argc <=2 } { set n [lindex $argv 1]; set m 0 } elseif { $argc > 2 } { set n [lindex $argv 1]; set m [lindex $argv 2] } puts "n = $n, m = $m" # lattice constant of DC Si set a_Si 5.431 if { $status == 0 } { # Identify bonds MD++ setnolog initmd " " # cut-off distance to declare a bond between two atoms # usu. the distance to the 1st neighbor set rc [expr $a_Si*sqrt(3)/4] # Add buffer distance. set rc [expr 1.3*$rc] MD++ RLIST = 4.1490 # Read the reference configuration MD++ incnfile = ../../structures/Examples/ref-testdisreg.cn readcn eval # Will be used to determine the bond direction. # If dot(slip_normal,r_{ij}) < 0, then r_{ij} := -r_{ij}. MD++ slip_normal = \[ -1.0 0.0 1.414214 \] # Specify the region where the diregistry analysis is applied MD++ plot_limits = \[1 -1 1 -1 1 -0.150 -0.031 \] MD++ input = \[ $rc \] identify_bonds # Write bond data: # [bond.i bond.j bond.center.x bond.center.y bond.center.z bond.type] MD++ finalcnfile = bonds.dat write_bonds openwindow MD++ sleep quit } elseif { $status == 1 } { # Read/Plob bonds MD++ setnolog initmd " " MD++ RLIST = 4.1490 MD++ incnfile = ../../structures/Examples/ref-testdisreg.cn readcn eval # Read bond data MD++ incnfile = bonds.dat read_bonds setup_window MD++ plot_limits = \[1 -1 1 -1 1 -0.150 -0.031 \] MD++ openwin alloccolors rotate saverot eval plot_bonds MD++ sleep quit } elseif { $status == 2 } { # Read bonds and calculate the displacement difference (or disregistry) vector ddrij MD++ setnolog initmd " " # Will be used to tag a bond if its |ddrij| > rc set rc [expr sqrt(2)/2*$a_Si] MD++ RLIST = 4.1490 # Read bond data MD++ incnfile = bonds.dat read_bonds # The deformed configuration MD++ incnfile = ../../structures/Examples/deformed-testdisreg.cn readcn eval # The reference configuration MD++ incnfile = ../../structures/Examples/ref-testdisreg.cn MD++ input = $rc calddrij # Write disregistry data: # [ddrij.disreg.x ddrij.disreg.y ddrij.disreg.z ddrij.norm ddrij.tag] MD++ finalcnfile = ddrij.dat write_ddrij MD++ quit } elseif { $status == 3 } { # Read/Plot ddrij MD++ setnolog initmd " " MD++ RLIST = 4.1490 MD++ incnfile = ../../structures/Examples/ref-testdisreg.cn readcn eval MD++ incnfile = bonds.dat read_bonds MD++ incnfile = ddrij.dat read_ddrij fix_atoms_on_tilted_plane 0.0 0.0 -0.095 8 MD++ reversefixedatoms removefixedatoms setup_window MD++ slip_normal = \[ -1.0 0.0 1.414214 \] MD++ plot_limits = \[ 1 -1 1 -1 1 -0.150 -0.031 \] MD++ openwin alloccolors rotate saverot eval plot_ddrij MD++ sleep quit } else { puts "unknown status = $status" MD++ quit }