#!/bin/bash #PBS -N ta-edge-100 #PBS -j oe #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12,walltime=48:00:00 #PBS -V ### --------------------------------------- ### BEGINNING OF EXECUTION ### --------------------------------------- echo The master node of this job is `hostname` echo The working directory is `echo $PBS_O_WORKDIR` echo This job runs on the following nodes: echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE` ncpu=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -w` echo "Number of processors = $ncpu " ### end of information preamble cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo $PWD bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 2 bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 10 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 20 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 30 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 40 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 50 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 60 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 70 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 80 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 90 & bin/fs_mc2 scripts/work/cnm_chapter/ta_edge_dislocation.tcl 4 100 & wait